
Can tattoo addiction really become a big cause of addiction?

Over the years, we have had quite some controversial debates about tattoos!

All the should you or shouldn’t you!

Now that we have all the facts in the palm of our hands, it is much easier to understand the adversities of the act.

Whether it is really an art or scarring your body for the entirety of your life!

Plus, why is it so important to make a wise decision about everything!

So, the major question that has come up from the woodwork is.

‘Is tattoo addiction really a thing?’


Is it just a mockery of the art?

First of all, when we talk about ink addiction, we are not mocking the beautiful art form in any way. It is very much a means of expression for many, and yes, some can stop after one.

However, when we talk about addiction!

We are talking about obsessive behavior regarding anything in general.

This time, the element is the tattoo.

In this excerpt, we will be shedding light upon three important components.

– Why should you choose your tattoo wisely?

– What Is Tattoo Addiction?

– Signs one is suffering from tattoo addiction. 

Yes, rehabilitation is possible when it comes to tattoo addiction. One just needs the right kind of therapy.

The drug detoxification treatment in New Jersey has said it themselves.

Choose Wisely!

So, you want to get a tattoo?

That is great!

However, have you considered the gravity of the situation? Did you know that that tattoo is going to stay with you forever?

Yes, it will!

Thus, you should choose wisely.

Remember, if you are gathering an insane amount of courage to get your first tattoo, you wouldn’t even be able to imagine the laser pain if you ever have to remove it.

There are many such celebrity horror stories where celebrities have absolutely hated their tattoos and now regret their decision to get one.

Now that we have covered the warning let us understand more about tattoo addiction.

What Is Tattoo Addiction?

According to the studies done by psychologists, there is no such thing as tattoo addiction. One does not keep getting tattoos for the look of it, but more so for the feel of it.

Yes, the feeling of that intense pain and the needle piercing through the skin!

Yes, they all sound quite masochistic!

Why would someone want to hurt themselves?

However, it turns out there are people who do!

Yes, there is a lot to unpack here psychologically, and that is exactly what we are going to do. Let us find out why people get addicted to tattoos.

Taking Possession Of One’s Own Body

We have often seen patients of sexual assault or physical abuse trying to take back possession of their bodies with the help of inking themselves.

It is a form of expression which is fighting back against their trauma, and although, in some ways, it could be empowering, just using tattooing as a tactic to deal with that trauma is not healthy.

It may lead to skin problems and even harmful addiction to pain.

Inflicting Pain Without Cutting

Some people take masochistic pleasure in cutting themselves. It helps them redirect some of the emotional pain elsewhere.

Needless to say, this is extremely dangerous!

However, when someone is indulging in tattoos, automatically, the act of inflicting pain on oneself becomes from an act of shame to a matter of pride.

Rather than addressing these issues in a professional setting, they would rather get another tattoo.

Unhappiness With Their Own Appearance

Unhappiness with their appearance and issues like body dysmorphia are a few of the biggest reasons why people indulge in such activities.

They use it as a form of changing their body and making it look like something it is not.

This is not exactly helping them change anything, but it is the psychological itch that they are constantly scratching rather than coming up with a concrete solution.

Using something external like inking yourself because one doesn’t like their appearance could also be a form of self-harm.

It Is The Adrenaline Rush

The pain inflicted by the needle can give people an adrenaline rush, and yes, some individuals can get addicted to it.

This is why some go bungee jumping, skydiving, or get onto the Ferris wheel again and again.

It is the rush of adrenaline and increase in a heartbeat that makes them feel alive.

Some psychologists have even found a connection between depression and feeling this urge of adrenaline rush.

You Have Had Other Addictions

You have just recovered from other addictions.

Addictions that are mostly related to drugs and alcohol are something that gives you an instant rush of endorphins.

Maybe you are just craving these chemicals again.

Tattooing is known for the release of endorphins and dopamine, especially if one gets addicted to the pain of needles from any previous heroin addiction.

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Signs You Are Addicted To Tattoos

Here are some of the common signs that someone is addicted to Tattoos or has a dependency on pain of needles.

1. You are always planning when you should get your next tattoo and scouring through pictures.

2. You are having monetary issues with all the tattoo expenses, and yet you are not willing to stop.

3. In a very extreme case, you are now looking for free spaces to go for another tattoo.

4. You find yourself drawn to other sharp objects just to feel that pain and blood rush again if you are ever taking a break from tattoos.

If you find yourself facing either of these issues, then you clearly have a dependency on tattoos. They are your source and reason for happiness.


No matter how expressive the art is, this can never be healthy.

Ink Or Not To Ink!

The purpose of this article is not to tell you that tattoos are bad and you should never indulge in them.

This is just to warn you about the adversities of getting addicted to it!

Plus, if you are using it as a method of coping with some other pain, stress, or mental health issues, you should definitely consult a therapist.

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