How To Combat Flaccid Legs

How To Combat Flaccid Legs

The legs and arms are parts of the body that can be greatly affected over time and the appearance of sagging skin. Some factors, such as a sedentary lifestyle, an inadequate diet and lack of exercise, have a negative influence on the smoothness of the skin.

In this article we explain how to combat sagging legs to maintain skin elasticity for longer.

Why does flaccidity occur in the legs?

The flaccidity is accentuated with the passage of time, due to the loss of collagen in the muscle fibers. But it is not the only cause: 

  • Age, the main factor in skin aging: As we age, the cells responsible for manufacturing elastin and collagen are less abundant. At the same time we lose muscle mass and subcutaneous fat , so the skin appears looser.
  • Sedentary life: Many jobs currently require us to spend a lot of time sitting in front of a screen. The lack of physical activity causes us to lose muscle mass and the skin looks flaccid . This has an easy solution. Take advantage of any moment between tasks to move, whether it’s going up the stairs or going to work by bike or on foot.
  • Deficit diet: If we frequently eat processed foods, rich in fats and sugars, we are depriving our body of the necessary proteins and vitamins . The lack of nutrients leads to the loss of muscle fibers and the excess of sugar favors the hardening of collagen in the cells. That is why we must opt ​​for a healthy and varied diet, where natural foods predominate.

Exercises to remove flaccid legs

If we do exercises to combat flaccidity, we have to keep in mind that the results are not immediate , only perseverance will help us obtain the desired benefits.

The most appropriate exercises to combat the problem are: squats, lunges, sumo squats, leg raises, the bridge and heel raises.

Aesthetic medicine to treat flaccid legs

Currently it is possible to treat loose skin on the legs from the appearance of the first symptoms. We can even prevent it to obtain better results . In our centers we treat flaccid legs with therapies that act on the skin and on the muscle fibers involved. These are two of the most recommended treatments:

Treatment with tension threads

With this treatment we look for the reaffirmation of the skin through resorbable filaments that are biocompatible . The short-term effect of the threads is a smoothing of the skin that appears smoother and softer. In the long term, the tension threads stimulate the formation of elastin and collagen that redensify and improve the appearance of the skin.

The flaccidity of the legs is the result of numerous factors, mainly age and a sedentary life. For this reason, we recommend going to our center when noticing the first symptoms of loss of muscle tone or sagging.

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