Cannabis Oil, Hemp Oil, And CBD Oil

Cannabis Oil, Hemp Oil, And CBD Oil: What’s The Difference?

There are a few synonyms with regard to the hemp plant. Cannabis is the Latin word for hemp, so both mean the same. Mistakenly, cannabis oil, hemp oil, and CBD oil are also often lumped together. The three actually have one thing in common: They all represent products that are obtained with the help of the hemp plant. However, they differ when it comes to the intended use and the ingredients. We explain what the difference between cannabis oil, hemp oil, and CBD oil is – simple, clear, and practical.

Difference Between CBD Oil, Hemp Oil & Cannabis Oil

To understand why the products differ so much from one another, it is important to take a closer look at the manufacturing process. Here it becomes clear why both CBD oil and hemp oil and cannabis oil deserve their own place.


CBD oil relies on a very special extract from the hemp plant: CBD products. The cannabinoid can be extracted from the plant using various extraction methods. CO2 extraction is particularly popular. No wonder, because this enables a particularly pure and therefore high-quality product to be produced.

In particular, the flowers of the female hemp plant are the focus of CBD oil production. The pollen (so-called trichomes) contains a particularly large amount of the valuable cannabinoid. CBD can also be obtained from the leaves of the hemp plant.

The special thing about CBD oil is that it is not intoxicating. This is because the proportion of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) must be below 0.2%. Only then is it a freely-available product that does not fall under the Narcotics Act.

CBD oil can be taken orally. Users rely on the sublingual application method, whereby a few drops of the product are instilled under the tongue. Alternatively, CBD oil is also suitable for applying to the skin.

CBD Oil At a Glance

  • is obtained from the hemp plant using an extraction process
  • Flowers and leaves serve as a source of CBD
  • CBD oil has anti-anxiety, pain-relieving, and anti-inflammatory potential
  • In the full spectrum version, CBD oil also contains terpenes and flavonoids
  • is recommended for numerous illnesses and complaints
  • Is not intoxicating because the THC content is below 0.2%
  • freely for sale and does not fall under the Narcotics Act
  • CBD oil is taken orally or applied to the skin

Cannabis Oil

Cannabis oil is particularly often confused with CBD oil, which are two completely different products. The manufacturing process, however, is very similar. Here, too, leaves and flowers are used to extract the active ingredients. Then a carrier oil is also added.

Less care can be exercised during production because selected connections do not have to be removed. This primarily means tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) . The psychoactive cannabinoid is responsible for the intoxication that emanates from the hemp plant. Cannabis oil contains between 50 and 80% THC. In the end, cannabis oil also combines cannabidiol, terpenes and flavonoids, but the focus is not on the potential health-promoting effect, but on the intoxicating effect.

Cannabis oil, also known as THC oil, hash oil or hash oil, is primarily consumed to trigger mind-altering effects. While THC triggers the intoxication, the terpenes and flavonoids are said to increase absorption and effect. In contrast to CBD oil and hemp oil, cannabis oil falls under the Narcotics Act. Therefore, it is not easily available legally for private consumers. People with pronounced, chronic illnesses have had the option of receiving cannabis on prescription since 2017.

By the way: In contrast to CBD oil, cannabis oil is black and has a thicker consistency. This is because cannabis oil, produced for intoxication purposes, often uses less professional extraction techniques with the help of olive oil or butane. It also contains compounds that are considered superfluous.

Cannabis Oil At a Glance

  • can be obtained from the hemp plant using butane and olive oil
  • Flowers and leaves are the starting material
  • contains a large amount of THC
  • The focus is on intoxicating effects
  • a medical benefit is possible (prescription required)
  • falls under the Narcotics Act, therefore illegal
  • Cannabis oil is taken orally

Hemp Oil

Hemp oil stands out in the series of oils. It is usually not used for medicinal or intoxicating purposes. Rather, it serves as a high-quality cooking oil. Here, too, the hemp plant provides the starting material. The seeds from industrial hemp are processed by means of cold pressing. The fat must not exceed the temperature threshold of 45 °. This creates a very high-quality vegetable oil.

Cannabinoids can only be detected in very small amounts in hemp oil. But that does not mean that the hemp product is not valuable for health.

Fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6) are particularly convincing here. Omega-3 fatty acids in particular are important for the body as they support development and heart and brain function. They are also seen as valuable in the fight against inflammatory processes. One of the best sources of omega-3 is sea fish. Vegans or vegetarians, however, have to look for other suppliers. In addition to linseed oil, the hemp seed oil is recommended here.

In addition to the omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, hemp oil contains proteins, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, and vitamins B1, B2, and E.

The way hemp seed oil looks is determined by the amount of chlorophyll in the unpeeled seeds. This means that although hemp oil is one of the hemp products, it does not contain any significant amounts of THC or CBD. As a high-quality vegetable oil, it is very popular in the kitchen.

Hemp Oil At a Glance

  • can be obtained by cold pressing
  • Hemp seeds serve as the basis
  • does not contain any significant amounts of CBD or THC
  • is mainly used as an edible oil
  • Hemp oil is rich in valuable fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals
  • should not be heated as the smoke point is low

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