Running Shoes

Useful Tips On How To Choose Running Shoes

Running in a good pair of running shoes, without getting hurt and comfortably, is absolutely essential. Cushioning and comfort, in fact, are certainly indispensable requirements even for the occasional runner, who intends to make short runs during the week.

When choosing a running shoe, you need to pay attention to various factors, such as the type of use (running on asphalt, on the track, on dirt roads, etc.), body weight, distance to cover, etc., but first of all the pronation level (foot support). Pronation is the natural tendency of the foot to go inward while walking or running to unload the lost onto the ground. This effect is characteristic of the type of neutral support, however when it is particularly accentuated the support is from the overpronator, on the contrary, if the effect is accentuated towards the outside the support is from the supinator. To understand this, just place the shoes on a flat surface, you will notice a slight inclination inwards or outwards, as well as greater wear of the internal or external sides.

It is clear, therefore, that having a precise idea of ​​your type of pronation and therefore of the points where additional support and greater cushioning is required, is essential to find a suitable pair of running shoes. Overpronators, as well as supinators, in fact, unlike neutral runners, are more exposed to impact injuries.

The overpronators require stable running shoes, with stiff midsoles and medial support to provide maximum support for the plantar arch which helps to avoid the excessive collapse of the foot. The supinator, however, needs flexible shoes able to distribute the impact in a uniform manner and with cushioning midsole level, along the outer edge and in the heel, for greater shock absorption and to counteract the roll of the foot outwards.

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