What Is Facial Melasma And How To Combat It

What Is Facial Melasma And How To Combat It?

Surely the word facial melasma does not sound familiar to you, but you do know what we mean when we talk about spots on the skin. Facial melasma is one of the major concerns of those who worry about their physical appearance. This common skin pathology that consists of dark spots is suffered mainly by women. Do you want to know more?

What Is Melasma

According to Experts, melasma “is a skin disease, dark spots mainly on the face . It is suffered more by women, especially pregnant women, and there are many possible origins ». Only 10% of men suffer from melasma.

«The pigmentation of the skin, due to the hyperproduction of melanin, is a defense mechanism to protect itself from the free radicals produced by solar radiation. But there are cases in which this pigmentation becomes messy. There is an excess of production and irregular distribution of melanin that leads to the appearance of hyperpigmented spots ”, adds Expert.

The Main Causes Of The Appearance Of Melasma Are:

  • Excessive sun exposure.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Ingestion of contraceptives that alter the proper functioning of melanocytes.
  • Ingestion of photosensitive medications.
  • Aging.
  • The phototype. Dark skin is more prone to the appearance of spots.
  • Depilatory waxes. After waxing, the possibility of spots appearing in the newly waxed area increases.

What Are The Areas Of The Face That Suffer The Most From Melasma?

It normally appears in areas exposed to the sun: forehead, upper lip, chin, cheeks, neck, and forearms, Gabriel tells us. The disease is classified as epidermal, dermal, and mixed melasma. Moderate or severe. And according to the facial location: midface (forehead, nose, upper lip, and chin), malar (cheeks), mandibular (in the maxillary area).

How To Prevent Melasma

The best prevention is to avoid the sun as much as possible or, at least, to use sun cream throughout the year. But if you want to know much more about how to prevent melasma from appearing on your face, follow the advice of Inmaculada Canterla:

• Avoid melasma triggers such as overexposure to UVA, UVB, Infrared, and even visible light.

• Avoid the use of hormonal contraceptives and photosensitizing drugs.

• Use photoprotection on a daily, constant and permanent basis. The application of the photoprotector should be done every three or four hours, layer by layer, the sufficient amount that generously and broadly covers the area to be treated. The solar filter is a basic that should be missed neither in winter nor in summer. Make it sunny or rainy.

• Change of habits: use of clothing and accessories (hats, glasses, umbrellas or umbrellas, etc.) for the treatment and control of melasma.

Are There Different Types Of Melasma? Which?

Dermatologists use a light, known as Wood’s light, which indicates the type of melasma. The epidermal type is brown in color; the dermal, bluish-gray, and the mixed one is of a grayish-brown color, a combination of the previous ones.

How Long Does Facial Melasma Last?

In pregnancy, the spots usually disappear after giving birth in most cases, but in the rest, it can last several years. It depends on the treatment we use and the care we have with the sun.

How To Differentiate Melasma From Other Spots

The melasma spots are acquired, chronic, symmetrical and have irregular edges. Other spots such as lentigosolars or aging spots are oval, appear alone or in groups of 3 or 4, affect the face, hands, arms, shoulders, and are more frequent in the light skin of women and men. Also from the age of 50 or earlier in people exposed to the sun more constantly.

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