mens skin..

This Is How Men Properly Care For Their Skin

Men also value a well-groomed appearance. But which care products do you actually need? ismartfashions gives tips and explains what every man should have in the bathroom cabinet.

Men’s Cosmetics Are All The Rage

Eyebrow plucking and chest hair removal are no longer taboo. Creams and perfumes are also standard in the bathroom. Pop stars and top athletes have shown it: Even applying make-up is no longer a no-go for men. Even if not so obvious and striking. But concealer and co. Do work.

We believe that men’s cosmetics are now also a career booster. A well-groomed man is simply more convincing because he takes care of himself. After all, that also applies to business customers.

What Should Men Do Cosmetically?

Men attach increasing importance to beauty care. But which care products do men actually need? 

Cleanse The Skin Daily

A real man only leaves soap and water on his skin? In very few cases this is sufficient. For a healthy and radiant complexion, men’s skin should be cleansed and clarified morning and evening with a cleansing gel and a facial toner. Arabica coffee scrub helps to prevent blemishes. The dead skin cells are removed and the skin can breathe better. The best prevention against blemishes. And: from 40 at the latest, men’s skin is also happy about additional protection and moisture from creams.

Nobody Likes Chapped Hands

Hand on heart: Brittle and rough hands not only look unsightly, but nobody likes to touch them either. A hand cream should already be in there: it ensures smooth and supple skin and prevents dry spots and redness.

A Beautiful Beard Needs To Be Cared For

A shaved face looks attractive. Even a beard can keep up in terms of sex appeal. But only if it is well cared for. That means: wash, trim regularly and care for with a little oil. A length of almost two centimetres is recommended for a well-groomed full beard.

The Personal Fragrance Note

Men sweat more than women. It has been scientifically proven. That is why many men follow the motto when choosing a deodorant: It has to keep the smell of sweat in check, but nothing more. But a high-quality deodorant can do much more, it also gives individuality. 

What Is The Difference Between Female And Male Skin?

Men’s skin is thicker, firmer and therefore initially more resistant to wrinkles. It also has more pigments and can therefore cope with the sun’s rays a little better. This is because men have more testosterone. The disadvantage is that men tend to have oily skin. They have an increased sebum production and therefore usually larger pores. The annoying consequence: inflammation, pimples, acne. From 40 on it gets better, but then the typical signs of age come.

What Are The Classic Male Complaints?

Skin irritation is not only caused by oily skin, but also by shaving. But nicotine, alcohol and poor nutrition are also manifested in rashes, pimples and reddened skin. And of course everything that annoys women too: frown lines, drooping eyelids, dark circles, double chins or crow’s feet around the eyes. Sagging cheeks are a typical sign of age.

What Are The Biggest Mistakes Men Make?

It’s pretty easy. Namely: nothing to be done if problems arise. Because that doesn’t look masculine, but simply neglected. After all, sunbathing without sun protection is no longer possible today.

Also Read : Top 20 Beard Styles For Men In 2020

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