intermittent fasting

Intermittent Fasting – Support Health And Digestion

The term intermittent or interval fasting is already familiar to many people. Celebrities who have successfully changed their body weight with it also contribute to this. Actually, the weight loss is only a positive side effect. The effects of intermittent fasting on health, cell metabolism, the body’s detoxification capacity and the self-rejuvenation of the cells are enormous. In addition, the transition is very easy for most people.

The following should make it clear that this is not a fad, but a return to human physiology. It is therefore about uncovering a bodily function that goes hand in hand with a better, perhaps even optimal state of health.

Background knowledge: This is how the intestine works

The processing of food in the gastrointestinal tract is exhausting. We often don’t think about it because the body does it in the background at best. But we have to keep in mind that the intestine is an ecosystem that comes close to an eco-bin.

Ideally, fermentation processes for the decomposition of food components take place here, controlled by ferments and microbes. But with the amount and the way we eat, there is no such thing as pure fermentation.

We have fermentation with the formation of fusel alcohols and partial putrefaction with the formation of putrefactive gases, cadaveric poisons, biogenic amines and the like. There’s a lot that the good bacteria that work like a sponge don’t pick up. What we get rid of with the bowel movements or via gases can enter the bloodstream and put an enormous strain on the liver. Because it is our detoxification organ.

This is one of the reasons for the famous soup coma or concentration problems with a full stomach. Except for the blood that goes to the intestines and is missing in our brains.

This is how our digestion is designed evolutionarily

Evolutionarily, we’re not programmed for that many meals. Lots of small meals is an unproven belief shared by many doctors. As is the ideology that you shouldn’t leave the house without breakfast. Please realize who benefits most from eating more than you need.

Consider: The first food pyramid, which the World Health Organization has represented for decades, came from the industrial magnate Mr. Kelloggs. It was accepted without criticism.

The job of the liver

Our liver absorbs toxins from the intestine and neutralizes them. However, it also absorbs macronutrients such as proteins, fats and carbohydrates in order to utilize them, transform them and prepare them for storage. For optimal liver performance, however, it is necessary for the liver to be able to empty itself completely again and again. Experience has shown that this happens a little differently for everyone after at least 13 hours of food abstinence.

The liver stores fat droplets, but all of them have to do with the sugar metabolism and, contrary to expectations, have nothing to do with the dietary fats ingested. I get my fatty liver more from consuming fruit and soft drinks than from good butter. After alcohol, fructose has the strongest effect on the liver and its fatty degeneration. Therefore, it is often the trigger for liver damage. Together with the digestive toxins described above, this can be the explanation for an unclear increase in liver values ​​and thus cell damage.

When the liver does not rest

So if the liver is constantly full and busy, it cannot absorb the fats from the depots. Nor can it break them up and offer them to the cell metabolism for burning in the mitochondria, the cell power plants. It is still able to neutralize all the toxins that accumulate, which are then readily deposited in other tissues of the body.

This leads to toxically loaded connective tissue, premature aging, muscular disorders, increasing weight gain and skin symptoms. An example of this is acne or other skin changes that are not skin diseases from a holistic point of view. When the liver is overworked and congested, toxins migrate to the skin, where they often get stuck, crystallize, and are then surrounded by white blood cells. The pustule is ready.

The neutralization of hormones in particular is an unbelievable task for the liver. That is why acne and a strange smelling sweat occur in young people in particular. Triggering food is actually just the icing on the cake.

If you start intermittent fasting, you should not put yourself under pressure with the times. It’s amazing how easy it is to practice when old beliefs are thrown overboard. The next article will explain why blood sugar is finally becoming stable and why hunger does not arise at all.

Small tricks and tips to support the fasting and detoxification processes

Use prebiotics

Get a prebiotic culture supplement and take it 1-2 times a day on an empty stomach. Make sure you eat a diet rich in ferments. Fresh sauerkraut is one of the healthiest foods and only causes slight tummy upset or therapeutic diarrhea on the first day. 2-3 forks throughout the day or with meals are sufficient.

Kefir is very good, and water kefir is also good if you have milk intolerance. Ferments improve the digestive processes. The fewer toxins that accumulate first, the less liver strain and you’ll feel more energetic. Kefir is therefore also considered the drink of centenarians!

Pay attention to the water supply

Drink enough water, but not with meals! Too much water dilutes the saliva in the mouth, stomach, and duodenum. It lowers the concentration of enzymes and impairs the utilization of carbohydrates and proteins. Significantly reduce fruit consumption and eat more vegetables. A reduction in fructose is important.

Vegetables play an important role

Prefer steamed, blanched or stir-fried vegetables. Lettuce often contains hardly any vital substances and is much less nutritious than most people think. The later in the day you eat lettuce, the more likely it is putrefaction, as the intestines become sluggish towards the end of the day.

dinner in the evening

Don’t go to bed hungry! The brain needs a lot of energy at night. Treat yourself to a bedtime treat, for example 1-2 spoonfuls of almond butter or a large piece of fatty cheese. Your sleep and hormonal regulation could improve tremendously if a nighttime energy crisis is your issue.


Intermittent fasting is not a dogmatic matter. We humans are not like that! Treat yourself to great exceptions.

However, there is a good chance that you will love the energy gained, improved alertness, better skin complexion, body rejuvenation and even simple reduction of body fat without hunger. Maybe so much so that you want to make intermittent fasting a regular part of your life.

Also Read : 5 Tips To Avoid Aluminum In Food

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