Eye Contour Care

Basic Eye Contour Care

The cosmetic care of the eye contour should be a priority from the age of 25 to keep the skin elastic and mitigate, or if possible avoid dark circles, bags, and wrinkles

We must set a daily routine of basic eye contour care since the eye is surrounded by the thinnest and most fragile skin of our entire body. The essential care ar: a rigorous but gentle cleaning, and good hydration and nutrition.

Do You Know What The Eye Is Made Of?

The eyes are one of the most important organs in our body and the role they play within our body is key to the proper performance of our daily tasks. A review every so often is advisable to avoid possible ailments or vision problems. If this is one of the aspects that worries you the most concerning the health of your family, MAPFRE Health Insurance offers you full coverage for your vision checkup.

The more than 22 muscles of the eye allow the blinking movement, which we usually do about 10,000 times a day to prevent the eye from drying out. Thanks to them, we can also squint when there is too much light, among many other gestures.

As we have mentioned before, the skin that protects the contour of the eye is very thin, between 0.35 and 0.5 mm thick. If we compare it with the skin of other parts of the body, such as the chin, that of the eyes can be a quarter of it.

It should also be taken into account that this epidermis has few sebaceous and sweat glands and that it also works differently either at night or during the day. In turn, the collagen fibers, the elastin of the dermis, and the hypodermis (the part between the dermis and the muscle) are also more delicate and have hardly any fat, unlike other parts of the face.

All these factors are what cause the typical defects such as dark circles, bags, and wrinkles. Therefore, basic eye contour care is essential when it comes to smoothing or eradicating these imperfections.

When Should You Start Using Eye Contour?

The skin around the eyes dries out very easily because it contains little natural covering emulsion, together with excessive exposure to the sun, cold, wind, or pollution. Therefore, it is recommended to start with the use of eye contour at an early age, from approximately 25 years. Only in this way will it be possible to maintain smooth skin and there will be a much better chance of preventing skin defects from appearing.

Gentle Cleansing As The Basis Of Care

You should know that maintaining a cleaning routine is one of the crucial points in the entire process of caring for the skin around the eyes. If you usually use makeup daily, don’t forget to use a two-phase eye makeup remover with a predominance of oil that you will apply with a cotton ball to remove the mascara in a gentle movement towards the outside of the eye.

For the eyelid area, we will use a “2 in 1” cleansing lotion. that we can also use to clean the entire face. On the eyelids, we will always avoid products that are too dense and with perfumes that could irritate the eyes.

Ideally, use a very light preparation, emulsion, or gel, which have the advantage of being quickly absorbed when put on the skin.

We must apply the cream in small quantities (as if it were a grain of rice) and always in the area where the bone ends, never on the skin on the upper or inner eyelashes, as it can cause irritation or get cream on the eye. Remember that it is not necessary to spread the cream, as we normally do on the rest of the face, but a few taps with the fingertips (from the inside out) on the involved area is enough to activate the circulation of that area.

To finish these basic eye contour care, we remind you that this type of cosmetics is not suitable for use at night unless it is indicated on the packaging. The reasons are that during the night, the eyelid retains water and can cause the formation of bags, or that due to the tearing that occurs when we sleep, some cream can enter the eye.

What You Should Know

  • The cosmetic care of the eye contour should be a priority from the age of 25 to keep the skin elastic and mitigate, or if possible avoid dark circles, bags, and wrinkles.
  • The essential cares are a rigorous but gentle cleaning, and good hydration and nutrition.
  • Cosmetics should be applied in small amounts of product (droplets like grains of rice) in the areas where the bone ends around the eye socket.

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