Fluid Retention How To Avoid It

Fluid Retention How To Avoid It?

Fluid retention can be due to multiple causes, so it is essential to identify the origin to carry out a personalized treatment. Hydration and nutrition will be essential for the electrolyte balance between sodium and potassium.

In our body, water is distributed in different compartments, in the plasma (which is part of the blood) and inside and outside the cells. When the balance between the water inside and outside these cells is broken, the number of extracellular water increases, and that is when fluid retention occurs, forming edema.

The edemas are areas where there has been an increase in extracellular water. You can suffer local edema or throughout the body (less common). The ankles, eyelids, or wrists are the most commonly affected areas. The edematous area appears swollen or bulging, the skin is stretched and often brighter. If we press the finger, we can see how the footprint is marked on the skin and gradually disappears.

5 Tips To Avoid Fluid Retention

Depending on the original cause of fluid retention, it is considered correct at the dietary level to carry out an adequate water intake and a diet rich in vegetables and low in sodium.

Get Enough Fluid Intake.

Mainly water, although you can also take broths or infusions. Some drinks hydrate as much as water. Contrary to what some people think, drinking more water will not cause more edema, but it is necessary to hydrate properly to maintain a good water balance. Fluid intake will only be limited when there is a reason and medical prescription for it.

Avoid Foods High In Sodium.

Since if they are consumed in large quantities, they will favor greater water retention. The richest foods in sodium are canned food, cold cuts, aged cheeses, pickles and olives, convenience foods, salty snack products such as cookies, chips, salty nuts, etc.

Eat A Varied Diet

Rich in fresh products of vegetable origin (they are richer in potassium). This mineral contributes to water regulation and will promote diuresis in case of fluid retention. The foods richest in this electrolyte are green leafy vegetables such as spinach and kale, fruits such as grapes, oranges, red fruits … and root vegetables or tubers such as carrots and potatoes.

Avoid Being Overweight And Sedentary.

To promote blood circulation and minimize fluid retention. It is advisable to lead an active life, make trips on foot and practice activities that involve body movement such as swimming, dancing, walking, running, skating … All this, in addition, will help to avoid problems of excess body weight.

Medically Supervised Diuretic Products.

Pharmacological treatment or the use of diuretic products, such as horsetail, should be supervised by a doctor as they can cause nausea, vomiting, headache, muscle pain, hypotension, arrhythmias, increased uric acid … We must avoid diuretic diets or cleansing based on significant food restriction.

Causes Of Fluid Retention

Several causes can cause fluid retention in the body:

  • Bad eating habits
  • Insufficient hydration
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Cardiovascular problems
  • Kidney or liver involvement
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Oncological problems
  • Hormonal changes (ovulation and pregnancy)

It can also be caused, more than by the health problem itself, by the drug treatment associated with different ailments.

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