Make Curls With The Iron

How To Make Curls With The Iron? Practical Guide To Ideal Curls

Would you like to change the straight style of your hair for the wavy one? Do you want to highlight the volume and movement of the curls you already have? If you are looking to renew your look or improve your current one with new and fun hairstyles, dare to discover curls with the iron and be amazed at the incredible results you can achieve.  

There are a wide variety of curl, loop, and wave styles that can be achieved by using traditional hair straighteners. The techniques you can use to iron curls vary depending on the type you are looking for, although with a little practice, you can master them all.

It is essential to prepare the hair in advance to achieve good results and to achieve both large and narrow curls with the hair straightener. Below, you will find 2 simple steps to get it ready before starting.

1. Dry And Brush The Hair Beforehand.  

Having dry, detangled and combed hair is important for the result of the process to be absolutely effective.

2. Separate The Hair Into Several Strands.

With bobby pins or tweezers, hold and separate the strands of hair where you will not yet apply the iron. It will help you keep all of your hair under control and focus on the section where you will use it.

How To Make Curls With The Iron: Large Curlers

If you want to achieve an effect of looseness, flexibility and naturalness in your hair, the curls with the large iron are the right option. Here’s how to do them:  

Step 1: Separate a large section.

Step 2: Roll the strand of hair between the plates starting from the roots.

Step 3: Keep the iron closed and turn it half a turn on itself.

Step 4: Slowly slide the iron down to the ends.

You can repeat the process until you get the exact result you are looking for. Bear in mind that tips tend to get damaged and suffer from repetitions, so it is important to use an iron that produces a fast and safe straightening, such as the Philips Pro with a 10-second heat-up time and titanium plates that limit damage to the hair.

How To Make Natural Curls With The Iron: The “Corkscrew” Effect

Achieving the “corkscrew” effect and showing off step by step smaller, more defined and abundant curls with the iron is also possible:

Step 1: Separate a fine section of hair.

Step 2: Roll the strand tightly between the plates.

Step 3: Keep the iron closed and turn it half a turn on itself.

Step 4: Slowly slide the iron down to the ends.

The temperature of the plate impacts uniformly throughout the entire strand, so that the final effect will be similar to the appearance of a cylinder. Make sure to use irons that have technology to protect hair from exposure to too high temperatures, such as the ismart fashion Prestige Auto Curler , which includes a smart response with a “ready” prompt to prevent overheating of the hair

Tricks To Make Curls With The Iron: 

  • Whenever you finish a loop, remember to mark its shape with your fingers and not brush them. They will maintain the volume and last longer. 
  • Reserve the ends of the hair without ironing. Less heat at the ends helps retain loops throughout the hair. 
  •  An interesting option is to make curls with the iron in the form of waves. You can take advantage of the various curl, temperature and time settings on the ismart fashion Prestige Auto Curler to achieve the look you want. 
  • Whether you want flat iron curls on short hair or flat iron curls on long hair, follow the different tips in this article and enjoy a quick and easy style change.

Also Read : The Best Ways To Keep Your Hair Healthy: Ultimate Guide

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